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Mar 01 2023 03:51 AM
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Did you spot The SpaceX Starlink Satellite Constellation

Article Type: Fun

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Elon Musk says future batches of satellites won't be as bright, but this week the satellites are putting on a unique show. Recently SpaceX sent 60 more of the company's small Starlink broadband satellites to orbit, bringing the total in space to over 400, with hundreds more set to launch in the coming months. The growing constellation has set off a controversy in the astronomy community over how surprisingly reflective and visible the metal birds are. On Monday, CEO Elon Musk told astronomers future batches will be equipped with a "sunshade" to make them less visible, meaning right now might be the best time to see the distinctive trains of the bright satellites in the sky before they reach their less visible operating altitude Thousands of sightings around the world of "trains" of bright lights moving in a straight line across the night sky, especially near dawn or dusk, have been reported. A number of them have been mistaken for UFOs, leading even UFO sighting databases to issue statements about Starlink. Once you know what to look for, spotting Starlink trains is pretty cool and a growing pastime among certain more nerdy parts of society. You know, the type of person who might also be into watching the International Space Station pass overhead or spending lots of chilly evenings outside just waiting for a meteor shower to get going.

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